Asterisk integration

I've written module, which may be helpful for those who use Asterisk telephony server.
During jabber conversation with someone you can send predefined command, e.g. '+', and Asterisk will connect you using phone numbers, retrieved from vcard.

Also posted info here:

Comments are appreciated.

Code is here:

Added page to Contributions. Code is tracked?

Nice :)

I added a page to the Contributions section, so people browsing this site will see it: mod_asterisk - Initiate Asterisk call with a chat command. You are set as author of that page, this way you can edit it if you want to fix anything.

Do you plan to host your module in a source code version repository, so the changes can be tracked? If you don't have any preference, you could track your module in ejabberd-modules SVN repository.

Ok, thanks for comments and

Ok, thanks for comments and new page :)

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