Strange problems (maybe bad config?)

Hello. I have a problems getting ejabberd up and running correctly.

root@misfortune> /etc/init.d/ejabberd start
Starting jabber server: ejabberd.

Looks like all is good, but...

root@misfortune> ejabberdctl status
Node ejabberd@localhost is started. Status: started
ejabberd is not running

When trying to register user:

root@misfortune> ejabberdctl register user misfortune pass
RPC failed on the node ejabberd@localhost: {'EXIT',

However, ejabberd is active on 5280 port, but inactive on 5222...

Some lines from config:

{acl, admin, {user, "user" }}.
{host,                  "misfortune"}.
{listen, [{5222, ejabberd_c2s,
                      [{access,   c2s},
                       {shaper,   c2s_shaper}]},
          {5223, ejabberd_c2s,
                      [{access,   c2s},
                       {shaper,   c2s_shaper},
                       {ssl,    [{certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"}]}]},
          {5269, ejabberd_s2s_in,
                      [{shaper,   s2s_shaper}]}]}.

I just don't know where to dig.
Thanks in advance.

Check logs when starting ejabberd

Hello. I have a problems getting ejabberd up and running correctly.

root@misfortune> ejabberdctl status
Node ejabberd@localhost is started. Status: started
ejabberd is not running

ejabberd is ... inactive on 5222...

Did you check ejabberd.log and sasl.log immediately after starting ejabberd?

Some lines from config:
{acl, admin, {user, "user" }}.

That ACL grants admin privileges to any account named "user@*"!! You should put something like:

{acl, admin, {user, "user", "misfortune"}}.

With that ACL only "user@misfortune will have admin privileges.

Once your server works correctly, remember to enter in the Web Admin and delete the stored old ACLs that you don't want.


badlop wrote:

Did you check ejabberd.log and sasl.log immediately after starting ejabberd?

Yes, there is nothing in them, just old crash reports. Nothing about current start.


With that ACL only "user@misfortune will have admin privileges.

Fixed, thanks.


Once your server works correctly, remember to enter in the Web Admin and delete the stored old ACLs that you don't want.

The problem is I cannot enter in the Web Admin. I cannot create new user from the terminal nor from jabber client. Ahd what is that meaning:

root@misfortune> ejabberdctl status
Node ejabberd@localhost is started. Status: started
ejabberd is not running

Not started correctly; some error message would help

clayman wrote:

And what is that meaning:

root@misfortune> ejabberdctl status
Node ejabberd@localhost is started. Status: started
ejabberd is not running

That means the Erlang node called "ejabberd@localhost" is started correctly. Inside that node (it's like a virtual machine), the ejabberd application is NOT running.

This means ejabberd did not crash, but it didn't start correctly. The problem is usually a syntax mistke in ejabberd.cfg, badly corrupted Mnesia database, or unable to load some important ejabberd or erlang library. I think in all those cases some kind of ERROR REPORT or similar is shown in ejabberd.log or sasl.log

If ejabberd is started correctly, you should see in sasl.log a lot of PROGRESS REPORT, and finally something like this:

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 13-Sep-2008::01:25:04 ===
         application: ejabberd
          started_at: ejabberd@atenea
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