ejabberd - Comments for "Shared roster groups doesn&amp;#039;t work" https://www.ejabberd.im/node/271 en same problem https://www.ejabberd.im/node/271#comment-1370 <p>I have the same problem with 10.0.0 on a fedora 4 platform. did you find out what it is. my users are all registerd under abc@localhost, def@localhost ect</p> <p>It started to work by itself after 15 mins...strange</p> Mon, 13 Feb 2006 02:12:30 +0000 avjabber comment 1370 at https://www.ejabberd.im Shared Roster not working. https://www.ejabberd.im/node/271#comment-761 <p>When I setup SHARED rosters for a valid Internet domain -they work. But when I change to an intranet domain name they stop working.</p> <p>Any ideas?</p> <p>WORKS<br /> Group1<br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:member@validca.ca" rel="nofollow" >member@validca.ca</a></noindex><br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:member2@validca.ca" rel="nofollow" >member2@validca.ca</a></noindex></p> <p>DOES NOT WORK<br /> Group1<br /> member@validca.mytld<br /> member2@validca.mytld</p> <p>I did a test tonight for a valid internet domain that resolves to an intranet IP - and it didn't work.</p> <p>If this is a known issue. Otherwise I will spend some time to figure out exactly what is happening.</p> Tue, 06 Sep 2005 05:46:29 +0000 alive88 comment 761 at https://www.ejabberd.im It still does not work https://www.ejabberd.im/node/271#comment-659 <p>I have the exact same problems.</p> <p>Each user can only see 1st user in first group listed. The rest go unfiled.</p> <p>Tested with Gaim, Tkabber, and jwchat.</p> <p>so if </p> <p>group1=xxxx<br /> members= <noindex><a href="mailto:test1@test.host" rel="nofollow" >test1@test.host</a></noindex><br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:test2@test.host" rel="nofollow" >test2@test.host</a></noindex><br /> Displayed groups= yyyy<br /> xxxx</p> <p>group2=yyyy<br /> memers= <noindex><a href="mailto:test3@test.host" rel="nofollow" >test3@test.host</a></noindex><br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:test4@test.host" rel="nofollow" >test4@test.host</a></noindex><br /> Displayed groups= xxxx<br /> yyyy</p> <p>test1 sees it like this</p> <p>xxxx<br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:test1@test.host" rel="nofollow" >test1@test.host</a></noindex><br /> unfiled<br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:test2@test.host" rel="nofollow" >test2@test.host</a></noindex><br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:test3@test.host" rel="nofollow" >test3@test.host</a></noindex><br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:test4@test.host" rel="nofollow" >test4@test.host</a></noindex></p> <p>And the same for the rest. They only see the first member of the first group that they are not assigned to.</p> <p>Did I just confuse everyone? I can provide screenshots if needed.</p> Mon, 25 Jul 2005 06:50:49 +0000 Kingedgar comment 659 at https://www.ejabberd.im Shared Roster Oddities https://www.ejabberd.im/node/271#comment-624 <p>I'm seeing some unusual issues with shared rosters. Others have reported similar problems. Here is what I'm getting. Running ejabberd v0.9.1.</p> <p>Created a group as follows:</p> <p>Group Name: test<br /> Name: Test Group<br /> Description: This is a test group.<br /> Members:<br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:bill@fqdn.com" rel="nofollow" >bill@fqdn.com</a></noindex><br /> <noindex><a href="mailto:roger@fqdn.com" rel="nofollow" >roger@fqdn.com</a></noindex><br /> Displayed Groups: test</p> <p>When I login, I can see the group called Test Group. The only member I see in the group is bill; roger is not shown in the Test Group. I tried this with a couple of other groups and they all behave the same. Not sure what's going on.</p> <p>Additionally, I thought I'd delete the groups and start over. After deleting them, they still appear within the client. I even restarted the node but they still persist. Clients tested were GAIM 1.4.0 and Pandion 2.1.2.</p> Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:02:45 +0000 bbrazell comment 624 at https://www.ejabberd.im it should not be a problem https://www.ejabberd.im/node/271#comment-557 <p>'one per line' means that the JIDs must be separated by Carriage Return characters. So the fact that your browser shows you the JIDs broken is not a problem, as long as they aren't actually broken.</p> <p>Try using a group name lowercase: lp instead of LP</p> <p>Have you tried <noindex><a href="/screenshots-shared-roster-groups" rel="nofollow" >this example</a></noindex>?</p> Wed, 15 Jun 2005 17:29:53 +0000 mfoss comment 557 at https://www.ejabberd.im