ejabberd - Comments for "S2S with Google is &amp;quot;not authorized&amp;quot;" https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/29741/s2s-google-not-authorized en I've seen on multiple sites https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/29741/s2s-google-not-authorized#comment-67756 <p>I've seen on multiple sites that Google killed most of their xmpp interoperability. I'm not sure why they wouldn't, it is antithetical to everything they are doing..</p> <p>Even if there is some interoperability left, it is likely only a matter of time before they remove it. It makes no sense at all for them to support it.</p> <p><noindex><a href="http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/03/24/google-retiring-google-talk-good-also-shutting-several-gmail-labs/" title="http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/03/24/google-retiring-google-talk-good-also-shutting-several-gmail-labs/" rel="nofollow" >http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/03/24/google-retiring-google-talk-good...</a></noindex></p> Mon, 15 Jan 2018 17:03:54 +0000 frogus comment 67756 at https://www.ejabberd.im I'm not sure what it is you https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/29741/s2s-google-not-authorized#comment-67734 <p>I'm not sure what it is you want to imply with that link. If you want to imply that Google is turning off federation with other domains, then the article even goes out of its way to explain that to not be the case. The <noindex><a href="https://xmpp.org/2015/03/no-its-not-the-end-of-xmpp-for-google-talk/" rel="nofollow" >article that it in turn links to</a></noindex> explains that the only problem is that Google's Hangouts client does not properly handle messages from federated XMPP clients, which is not my problem, since I don't use the Hangouts client anywhere.</p> <p>If I misunderstood your implications, I'm sorry, but then please do elaborate.</p> Sat, 23 Dec 2017 14:24:43 +0000 Dolda2000 comment 67734 at https://www.ejabberd.im Hello, See: https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/29741/s2s-google-not-authorized#comment-67733 <p>Hello,</p> <p>See: <noindex><a href="http://www.disruptivetelephony.com/2015/02/google-finally-kills-off-googletalk-and-xmpp-jabber-integration.html" title="http://www.disruptivetelephony.com/2015/02/google-finally-kills-off-googletalk-and-xmpp-jabber-integration.html" rel="nofollow" >http://www.disruptivetelephony.com/2015/02/google-finally-kills-off-goog...</a></noindex></p> Sat, 23 Dec 2017 13:28:02 +0000 cviniciusm comment 67733 at https://www.ejabberd.im