ejabberd - Comments for "About the flash hack" https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083 en Woohoo! https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083#comment-56049 <p>Yes, it's working now!</p> <p>Thank you very much for your help, badlop :)</p> Tue, 15 Jun 2010 09:52:54 +0000 xcu comment 56049 at https://www.ejabberd.im Change one word in Makefile.in https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083#comment-56048 <p>Ah, there was a small error in the patch, it must say EFLAGS.</p> <p>How to solve in your code:<br /> 1. Change one line of Makefile.in as described here:</p> <pre> --- a/src/Makefile.in +++ b/src/Makefile.in @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ ifeq (@pam@, pam) endif ifeq (@flash_hack@, true) - ERLC_FLAGS+=-DENABLE_FLASH_HACK + EFLAGS+=-DENABLE_FLASH_HACK CPPFLAGS+=-DENABLE_FLASH_HACK endif </pre><p> 2. Run again ./configure --enable-flash-hack<br /> 3. Run: make clean<br /> 4. Run: make<br /> 5. Install ejabberd, start, and now it should work.</p> <p>After this fix, I try:</p> <pre> $ telnet localhost 5222 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. &lt;flash:stream to="localhost" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:flash="http://www.jabber.com/streams/flash" version="1.0" /&gt;\000 &lt;?xml version='1.0'?&gt; &lt;flash:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='2141287325' from='localhost' version='1.0' xml:lang='ru'&gt;&lt;/flash:stream&gt; &lt;stream:features&gt; &lt;starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls' /&gt; &lt;compression xmlns='http://jabber.org/features/compress'&gt; &lt;method&gt;zlib&lt;/method&gt; &lt;/compression&gt; &lt;mechanisms xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'&gt; &lt;mechanism&gt;PLAIN&lt;/mechanism&gt; &lt;mechanism&gt;DIGEST-MD5&lt;/mechanism&gt; &lt;/mechanisms&gt; &lt;c xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps' hash='sha-1' node='http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/' ver='LFuPQeigXLRLk3qXBKdFjjmMmkk=' /&gt; &lt;register xmlns='http://jabber.org/features/iq-register' /&gt; &lt;/stream:features&gt; &lt;/stream:stream&gt; Connection closed by foreign host. </pre> Tue, 15 Jun 2010 09:41:00 +0000 mfoss comment 56048 at https://www.ejabberd.im I have a same problem https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083#comment-56047 <p>I have same problem in codding .my stream bar is not running properly.plz tell me about my problem .I shell be very thankful to you for this kindness.loat of thanks .<br /> My URS:www.alrehmanquranacadamy.com</p> Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:21:53 +0000 anabena comment 56047 at https://www.ejabberd.im Yes, I followed setp 2 as https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083#comment-56046 <p>Yes, I followed setp 2 as well!</p> <p>This was the xml message sent to the server:</p> <div class="codeblock"><code>&lt;?xml version=\&quot;1.0\&quot;?&gt;<br />&lt;flash:stream<br />to=\&quot;server\&quot;<br />xmlns=\&quot;jabber:client\&quot;<br />xmlns:flash=\&quot;http://www.jabber.com/streams/flash\&quot;<br />version=\&quot;1.0\&quot; /&gt;<br />\000</code></div> <p>And this messages were the response from the server:</p> <div class="codeblock"><code>&lt;?xml version=&#039;1.0&#039;?&gt;<br />&lt;stream:stream<br />xmlns=&#039;jabber:client&#039;<br />xmlns:stream=&#039;http://etherx.jabber.org/streams&#039;<br />id=&#039;2181408671&#039;<br />from=&#039;server&#039;<br />xml:lang=&#039;en&#039;&gt;</code></div> <div class="codeblock"><code>&lt;stream:error&gt;<br />&lt;invalid-namespace<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; xmlns=&#039;urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams&#039;/&gt;<br />&lt;/stream:error&gt;</code></div> <div class="codeblock"><code>&lt;/stream:stream&gt;<br />[ ERROR: Closing an unopened tag ]</code></div> <p>It is changing the header, but still it looks like there's something missing.</p> Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:39:19 +0000 xcu comment 56046 at https://www.ejabberd.im run autoconf; confi --enable-flash-hack https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083#comment-56044 <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>xcu</em> wrote:</div> <p>I tested the patch with sparkweb and still I get the invalid-namespace error.</p></div> <p>Ensure you make the step 2 from <a href="http://www.ejabberd.im/flash-hack" title="http://www.ejabberd.im/flash-hack">http://www.ejabberd.im/flash-hack</a></p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>xcu</em> wrote:</div> <p>I don't know if it's either because it's not taking out properly the final \000 of the packet or because it's having some problem to recognize the header and change it for the other one...</p></div> <p>To know who is sending something incorrect (your client, or ejabberd), you can sniff the network traffic with wireshark, tcpdump or other tool.</p> Mon, 14 Jun 2010 09:44:29 +0000 mfoss comment 56044 at https://www.ejabberd.im Tested, but... https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083#comment-56043 <p>Hello badlop, thank you so much for your quick answer!</p> <p>However, I tested the patch with sparkweb and still I get the invalid-namespace error. I don't know if it's either because it's not taking out properly the final \000 of the packet or because it's having some problem to recognize the header and change it for the other one...</p> Mon, 14 Jun 2010 08:58:11 +0000 xcu comment 56043 at https://www.ejabberd.im Patch ported. Now you test https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083#comment-56037 <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>xcu</em> wrote:</div> <p>I was wondering if it would be possible to update the patch for the 2.1.4 version</p></div> <p>Yes, check <noindex><a href="https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-599" title="https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-599" rel="nofollow" >https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-599</a></noindex></p> <p>I've ported it to ejabberd 2.1.4. I tested that patch with a normal client only. Let's hope it also works with a Flash client.</p> Fri, 11 Jun 2010 22:26:23 +0000 mfoss comment 56037 at https://www.ejabberd.im Ok, first I tried to update https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4083#comment-56036 <p>Ok, first I tried to update the patch for the latest ejabberd version, but since my knowledge of erlang is very limited I didn't succeed. However, when I downgraded ejabberd to 2.0.5 and applied the patch all seemed to work. How's it possible when I my flash version is newer than 8? </p> <p>Anyway, I was wondering if it would be possible to update the patch for the 2.1.4 version, since the 2.0.5 has a known vulnerability and I wouldn't like to use it.</p> Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:13:29 +0000 xcu comment 56036 at https://www.ejabberd.im