ejabberd - Comments for "moving the database from an old 2.0.1rc1 installation" https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4867 en I assume that means https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4867#comment-57669 <p>I assume that means user_caps_resources is also no longer needed? If so, it looks like it worked:</p> <div class="codeblock"><code>root@jabber:/tmp# ejabberdctl debug<br />Attaching Erlang shell to node ejabberd@jabber.<br />To detach it, press: Ctrl+G, q, Return <p>Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [64-bit] [rq:1] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]</p> <p>Eshell V5.7.4&nbsp; (abort with ^G)<br />(ejabberd@jabber)1&gt; mnesia:restore(&quot;/tmp/jabber-backup&quot;, [{skip_tables, [disco_publish,user_caps]}]).<br />{aborted,{no_exists,user_caps_resources}}<br />(ejabberd@jabber)2&gt; mnesia:restore(&quot;/tmp/jabber-backup&quot;, [{skip_tables, [disco_publish,user_caps,user_caps_resources]}]).<br />{atomic,[config,privacy,local_config,passwd,roster,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; last_activity,sr_user,offline_msg,route,motd,acl,s2s,vcard,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; caps_features,sr_group,mod_register_ip,vcard_search,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; motd_users,session,private_storage,iq_response]}<br />(ejabberd@jabber)3&gt; </p></code></div> <p>Thanks so much!</p> Sat, 30 Jul 2011 18:27:50 +0000 rbrcurtis comment 57669 at https://www.ejabberd.im You installed ejabberd 2.1.5, https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4867#comment-57666 <p>You installed ejabberd 2.1.5, started it, it created the tables with empty content. Then you tried to import a 2.0.1 backup file. Mnesia complains that the tables disco_publish, user_caps, and maybe others don't exist.</p> <p>Does Mnesia mean that they don't exist in the new DB, or in the old backup file?</p> <p>Looking at the source code history, those tables are not used since ejabberd 2.1.3. So, they don't exist in the new DB.</p> <p>Add user_caps also to that skip_tables option, and try again to restore the backup.</p> Sat, 30 Jul 2011 16:46:28 +0000 mfoss comment 57666 at https://www.ejabberd.im Ok, I have it up and running https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4867#comment-57658 <p>Ok, I have it up and running on the new machine with the same hostname as the old machine:</p> <div class="codeblock"><code>root@jabber:~# ejabberdctl status<br />The node ejabberd@jabber is started with status: started<br />ejabberd 2.1.5 is running in that node <p>root@jabber:~# telnet localhost 5222<br />Trying<br />Connected to localhost.<br />Escape character is &#039;^]&#039;.</p></code></div> <p>now when I try to restore the db from a backup that I took from the current 2.0.1 machine, I get this:</p> <div class="codeblock"><code>root@jabber:/tmp# ejabberdctl restore /tmp/jabber-backup <br />Can&#039;t restore backup from &quot;/tmp/jabber-backup&quot; at node ejabberd@jabber: Table disco_publish does not exist.<br />root@jabber:/tmp# ejabberdctl debug<br />Attaching Erlang shell to node ejabberd@jabber.<br />To detach it, press: Ctrl+G, q, Return <p>Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [64-bit] [rq:1] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]</p> <p>Eshell V5.7.4&nbsp; (abort with ^G)<br />(ejabberd@jabber)1&gt; mnesia:restore(&quot;/tmp/jabber-backup&quot;, [{skip_tables, [disco_publish]}]).<br />{aborted,{no_exists,user_caps}}<br />(ejabberd@jabber)2&gt; </p></code></div> <p>thoughts?</p> Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:09:49 +0000 rbrcurtis comment 57658 at https://www.ejabberd.im rbrcurtis wrote: a new ubuntu https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4867#comment-57655 <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>rbrcurtis</em> wrote:</div> <p>a new ubuntu machine, preferably 2.1.5 as thats what is in the repo<br /> ...<br /> I can't connect to the running node with ejabberdctl as [...] there is no debug option </p></div> <p>Ok, first of all install the ubuntu package.</p> <p>Second step is to ensure the new deployment works, and you have full control over it. ejabberdctl must work. Also ejabberdctl live, debug, other commands...</p> <p>Third step is to import the user data from the old server (either mnesia dump, or SQL dumps, or whatever). But don't attempt this step until you have full control over ejabberd.</p> Wed, 27 Jul 2011 14:34:02 +0000 mfoss comment 57655 at https://www.ejabberd.im