Erlang Configure Crashes on AMD64: Unreliable Floating Point Exceptions


  • During the 'configure' of Erlang/OTP, the whole system crashes during this step:

    checking for unreliable floating point execptions...
  • The CPU is AMD64.


An explanation is available in this mail:

I'm told the reason for this behaviour is that floating point exceptions are precise on amd64, unlike most platform. Linux then "fixes" this by stepping up the instruction pointer at floating point exceptions. The config test assumes this is done and hangs when it isn't.


The solution is to remove the test in erts/ and execute the configure script again.

  1. Download this patch to the directory where you unpacked Erlang/OTP source code.

  2. In the erts/ subdirectory execute those commands:

    $ patch -p0 < ../erlang-erts-configure.diff
    $ autoconf
  3. Now execute again the configure script. It should not hang again.

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