ejabberd_riak.erl issue when deleting (delete_by_index, get_keys_by_index)


I am setting up an ejabbered + riak cluster, where i have to use basic riak (get,put,delete... )functions in the file ejabberd/src/ejabberd_riak.erl

1. The functions put, get, get_by_index etc. work great and using the usage of the module in the file I could figure out what is what.

2. I'm facing an issue with the function delete_by_index and also get_keys_by_index, which is called by delete_by_index, anyhow.

The error thrown when I do this ->

ejabberd_riak:get_keys_by_index(game <<"language">>, term_to_binary("English")).

{error,<<"Phase 0: invalid module named in PhaseSpec function:\n must be a valid module name (failed to load ejabberd_r"...>>}
(ejabberd@> 12:28:55.177 [error] database error:
** Function: get_keys_by_index
** Table: game
** Index = <<"language">>
** Key: <<131,107,0,7,69,110,103,108,105,115,104>>
** Error: Phase 0: invalid module named in PhaseSpec function:
must be a valid module name (failed to load ejabberd_riak: nofile)

It would be helpful if anyone can help me solve this problem!


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