mod_http_upload > permission denied

Hello everybody,
i've got a problem mirgrating ejabberd from one host to another.
I've dumped the MNESIA-Database, changed succesful the old hostname to new and copied the database.dup to the new host.
The import worked fine.
So --> no probs.
All users could connect with their old settings --> no prob.

After all i copied the whole docroot (preserving permissions and users/groups) to the new host.
I checked the permissions and the users /groups. The ejabberd user who own ejabberd has rwx permissions.

If one user is uploading a file (maybe a pic) to the server it stucks up with the following error message

2016-06-22 21:32:12.179 [debug] <0.567.0>@ejabberd_http:process:353 [<<"85b46f3225386ecc3808a42127b82dde5c16ae0b">>,<<"BqXQ7WpgmUOs7kk4XAlCZtCCAuAsqPU9V8mbuFUM">>,<<"79765a6b-0043-4ba2-be6f-682d48e3b4ec.jpg">>] matches []
2016-06-22 21:32:12.180 [debug] <0.567.0>@mod_http_upload:process:409 Storing file from xx.xx.xx.xx for /var/www/jabber/85b46f3225386ecc3808a42127b82dde5c16ae0b/BqXQ7WpgmUOs7kk4XAlCZtCCAuAsqPU9V8mbuFUM/79765a6b-0043-4ba2-be6f-682d48e3b4ec.jpg
2016-06-22 21:32:12.181 [error] <0.567.0>@mod_http_upload:process:418 Cannot store file /var/www/jabber/85b46f3225386ecc3808a42127b82dde5c16ae0b/BqXQ7WpgmUOs7kk4XAlCZtCCAuAsqPU9V8mbuFUM/79765a6b-0043-4ba2-be6f-682d48e3b4ec.jpg from xx.xx.xx.xx for "permission denied"

All jids are stored with hashes.

What i am doing wrong?
I have been asked to preserve all content uploaded to the old server.

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