update ejabberd to 16.04 in ubuntu 16.04

Hi everybody

On ubuntu 16.04 i've installed ejabberd 16.01 from repo (and all other related dependencies and contribs) (http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/net/ejabberd). All is working fine except emoticons on mysql MAM db: the message is not saved at all.

i've found this discussion that speak about this problem: https://github.com/processone/ejabberd/issues/723

Now: how i can fix this?

1 - update ejabberd to 16.04 (this problem is fixed on 16.02) but from ubuntu repo ejabberd 16.01 is the latest version available
2 - correct manually
3 - switch to another db (i don't know postgre and i don't want get rid of mysql for easiest administration)


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