[help] module to siphon msgs from a vhost


I was dusting off a previous project that I had working with ejabberd 12 or 13,
that I can't seem to get working with version 16.

The premise can be boiled down to a 2-player game of tic-tac-toe. The real thing is more
complicated, tic-tac-toe is a fair enough stand-in for this explanation. Every match is
a muc, so multiple games can be taking place. The standard chat room (muc.xmpp.domain) is
intended for regular user-to-user chat. Placing a 'X' or 'O' on the board also creates a
chat message, but to a different domain;

I had made a module that registers a second virtual host (relay.domain); or at least
I was trying to.

Messages sent to the second domain are to post json to a web service and receive json back.
The return message would either be sent publically to the muc (as in the case of a X/O placement),
or privately to the user (an error message, for instance).

As I said before, I'm pretty sure this was working for an older version of ejabberd.
But with version 16, it appears to want to establish a s2s connection with the second domain;
something I don't remember seeing when working on this the first time.

    06:30:26.671 [info] New s2s connection started <0.668.0>
    06:30:26.671 [info] Trying to open s2s connection: game.redacted.tld -> relay.redacted.tld with TLS=false
    06:30:27.088 [info] s2s connection: xmpp.redacted.tld -> relay.redacted.tld (remote server not found)
    06:30:32.324 [info] Reconnect delay expired: Will now retry to connect to relay.redacted.tld when needed.

fwiw, relay.redacted.tld can be found, just not on a xmpp port.

My module source can be viewed here: https://gist.github.com/bibby/53cecfbf3f6722c2fa2509da6c60755d

Could anyone help figure out what I could do to make this work again?
Or, if there's a better design for this, I wouldn't mind hearing about it.


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