Help about mod_proxy65

Hi all,

First of all thanks for this forum.

I tell you my problem in the hope that someone help me.

I have a local jabber test VM where I need to enable and configure with some criteria the module "mod_proxy65".

This is a piece of ejabberd.cfg about the aforementioned module:
%%%. ====================

%% More examples of ACLs
%% mod_proxy65 ACL

{acl, proxy_users, {user,"test1", ""}}.
{acl, proxy_users, {user,"test2", ""}}.

{access, proxy65_access, [{allow, proxy_users}, {deny, all}]}.

{shaper, proxyrate, {maxrate, 10240}}. %% 10 Kbytes/sec
{access, proxy65_shaper, [{proxyrate, proxy_users}]}.

%%%. =======

{mod_proxy65, [ {hostname, "ubuntu104"},
{name, "Transfer Files"},
{ip, {192,168,200,60}},
{port, 7770},
{max_connections, 5},
{access, proxy65_access},
{shaper, proxy65_shaper}]},

I use PSI as a client to do my tests.

First question: Is this configuration correct?

If yes, why the file is tansferred equally even if I use another user that is not in proxy_users ACL?

Second question: is it possible to set the maximum size of files that can be transferred?

Thanks in advance of anyone who will help me.

Best Regards.

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