I'm importing users from a jabberd 1.4 xml (created with j2to1.pl) and the users with passwords are imported ok, but the roster don't.
I'm using mysql native driver and ejabberd from debian/testing in a amd64 machine.
My server is running actually a jabberd2 with ~1000 users and I want to migrate to ejabberd.
If you need more information about my running system, please ask me.
Sorry for my bad english.
Here a example of xml file that don't import: (the spaces are proposital for post in this forum)
< xdb >
< password xdbns="jabber:iq:auth" xmlns="jabber:iq:auth" >102030< /password >
< query xdbns="jabber:iq:roster" xmlns="jabber:iq:roster" >
< item name="abittencourt" jid="abittencourt@im.gelre.com.br" subscription="both" / >
< /query >
< query last="1156963570" xdbns="jabber:iq:last" xmlns="jabber:iq:last" / >
< /xdb >
My file ejabberd.cfg:
{acl, admin, {user, "admin"}}.
{acl, local, {user_regexp, ""}}.
{access, configure, [{allow, admin}]}.
{access, register, [{allow, all}]}.
{access, announce, [{allow, admin}]}.
{access, c2s, [{deny, blocked},
{allow, all}]}.
{shaper, normal, {maxrate, 1000}}.
{shaper, fast, {maxrate, 50000}}.
{access, c2s_shaper, [{none, admin},
{normal, all}]}.
{access, s2s_shaper, [{fast, all}]}.
{access, muc_admin, [{allow, admin}]}.
{access, muc, [{allow, all}]}.
{access, local, [{allow, local}]}.
{auth_method, odbc}.
{odbc_server, {mysql, "", "ejabberd", "user", "password"}}.
{hosts, ["im.gelre.com.br"]}.
{language, "pt-br"}.
[{5222, ejabberd_c2s, [{access, c2s},
{max_stanza_size, 65536},
starttls, {certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"},
{shaper, c2s_shaper}]},
{5223, ejabberd_c2s, [{access, c2s},
{max_stanza_size, 65536},
tls, {certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"},
{shaper, c2s_shaper}]},
{5269, ejabberd_s2s_in, [{shaper, s2s_shaper},
{max_stanza_size, 131072}]},
{5280, ejabberd_http, [http_poll, web_admin]}
{s2s_use_starttls, true}.
{s2s_certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"}.
{outgoing_s2s_port, 5269}.
{mod_adhoc, []},
{mod_register, [{access, register}]},
{mod_roster_odbc, []},
{mod_privacy, []},
{mod_configure2, []},
{mod_disco, []},
{mod_stats, []},
{mod_vcard_odbc, []},
{mod_offline_odbc, []},
{mod_echo, []},
{mod_private, []},
{mod_muc, [{access, muc},
{access_create, muc},
{access_admin, muc_admin}]},
{mod_muc_log, []},
{mod_shared_roster, []},
{mod_pubsub, []},
{mod_time, []},
{mod_last_odbc, []},
{mod_version, []}