Performance difference for pubsub with mnesia vs mysql


I have some research work where I'd publishing something around 1000 msg a sec via pubsub, to a couple of subscribers.

I switched from openfire as I found I was getting much better performance from ejabberd (2.1.13). But, recently I get odd disconnections from the publishers, its like ejabberd locks up for a little bit, and then eventually lets them reconnected after a few seconds.

I switched back to openfire and I didn't see the problem. So to improve openfire performance, I switched it to use mysql and things were quicker.

Then I thought, lets try ejabberd in the same way, maybe things will be better.

But, I actually seem to be able to publish less messages a second. From a few tests, on a local box, without mysql its around 7000 per sec, with it enabled its around 5000.

I'm just curious, is that to be expected?


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