Change Hostname to cluster and now won't start

I've pulled out all my hair the past couple days trying to cluster two servers.

I started with one so have to change the hostname to a FQDN.

I've followed all the steps but they're just blatantly not working.

ejabberdctl backup isn't a valid command and I can't even find "backup" in /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl

Can anyone help?

I'm running two CentOS 6.5 servers. Ejabberd was installed via YUM and that's pretty much it.

Right now I can start ejabberdctl but not ejabberd.

The log when I try /etc/init.d/ejabberd start

E(<0.36.0>:ejabberd_config:556) : Error reading Mnesia database spool files:
The Mnesia database couldn't read the spool file for the table 'config'.
ejabberd needs read and write access in the directory:
Maybe the problem is a change in the computer hostname,
or a change in the Erlang node name, which is currently:
Check the ejabberd guide for details about changing the
computer hostname or Erlang node name.

=INFO REPORT==== 2014-05-22 19:29:36 ===
application: ejabberd
exited: {bad_return,{{ejabberd_app,start,[normal,[]]},
{'EXIT',"Error reading Mnesia database"}}}
type: temporary

But ejabberdctl debug can read the db fine and appears to be syncing with the second node.

Permissions look the same for /var/lib/ejabberd/ in both servers. One works, the other doesn't.

I want to follow the directions to change the hostname but like I said ejabberdctl backup command doesn't work.

Anyone care to help out?

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