mentions support in ejabberd?

Does ejabberd have anything like @mentions? Quoting

@mentions are a way of getting someone's attention in a room. People can choose to be notified when mentioned, including in-app sounds, email, SMS, or iPhone/Android push notifications.
How to use them
Type the @ symbol in the message input box and start typing someone's name
An auto-complete box will help you complete the person's name. Select the person you want by clicking on their name or hit the Tab key to auto-complete
Type the message you want them to see and send your message
If they're signed in, they'll be notified in the app itself (according to in-app preferences). If the user has the app focused and is displaying the chat where the @mention occurs, they will not receive any special notification.
If they're offline, they may receive the mention and message via email, SMS, or iPhone/Android push notification depending on their preferences.

My company is currently considering moving from the internal Jabber service (driven by ejabberd) to HipChat, which is something I am trying to prevent from happening. Apparently @mentions is one of the arguments. Any help much appreciated!

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