Unable to run the make file for creating an Ejabberd executable


I intend to make an executable from the source code i have. (Ejabberd ver:2.1.11). For the same i run the configure.bat file in the source. It runs fine.

Following which i run the nmake command it gives me the follwing error:

NMAKE : warning U4006: special macro undefined : '$<'
cl.exe -nologo -D__WIN32__ -DWIN32 -DWINDOWS -D_WIN32 -DNT -MD -Ox -I"c
:/Program Files/erl6.2\usr\include" -I"c:/Program Files/erl6.2/lib/erl_interface
-3.7.18\include" -I"c:\Program Files\Expat-2.1.0\source\lib" -c -Foexpat_erl.o
'cl.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl.exe' : return code '0x1'

What could be done.
Please help! Specific directions would be great deal of help.
I SHALL BE DOOMED SOONER IF in the otherwise case.

Thanks a lot!

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