Help with ejabberd, mysql, internal with Windows 2003 Server

Good Morning,

I installed and configured ejabberd in Windows 2003 Server, i want more than one domain, here is what i had done, it starts without errors and i can login to the internal BD

{hosts, ["", ""]}.

Uncommented these lines:

{auth_method, internal}.


{auth_method, odbc}.

Added these conf lines:

{host_config, "", [{auth_method, internal}]}.
{host_config, "", [{auth_method, odbc},
                              {odbc_server, {mysql, "localhost", 3306, "domain2", "user mysql", "password mysql"}} ]}.

I can save and login without problems on domain1 and register users and can authentificate, the problem is with domain2, where i can't login, save nor authenticat, i chequed the databases when i add a new user and it does save it (only on mysql), but on ejabberd web Domains menu it always print registered users 0 (Zero).

Help Please

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