ejabberd won't start on Windows XP

I installed erlang r10b, openssl, and ejabberd 0.9.8 on a Windows XP system. Initially I got the error about not finding inetrc, so I copied the one from ejabberd to ejabberd\ebin and that got rid of that error, but the server still won't start. Now I'm getting this from the erlang interpreter:

=INFO REPORT==== 20-Sep-2005::20:12:55 ===
application: ejabberd
exited: "invalid return value from ejabberd_app:start(normal,[]) -> {'EXIT',
\n {badarg,\n
[{erlang,\n port_control,
\n [stringprep_port,1,\"localhost\"
]},\n {stringprep,control,2},\n
{lists,foreach,2},\n {ejabber
d_app,start,2},\n {application_master,s
type: temporary

What does this mean?

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