mod_wall - Filter IQ packets by body namespace

Hey all, I've been working on an ejabberd module which we will use (at EnerNOC, to prevent unauthorized users from controlling our smart power meters. When an IQ packet is routed, the module checks to see if the sender (or receiver) is authorized (via ACLs and access rules) based on the namespace of the top level tag of the "body" of the IQ. It seems to be working as expected, however I would appreciate any feedback from the community. Here is the current version of the code:

Pastebin link (formatting and tabs preserved):

%%%   Copyright 2011 EnerNOC, Inc 
%%%   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%%%   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%%%   You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%%   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%%   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%%%   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
%%%   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%%%   limitations under the License.

%%% File    : mod_wall.erl
%%% Author  : Ed Mackowiak 
%%% Purpose : flexible IQ filtering by IQ namespace, sender and receiver
%%% Created : June 1st, 2011
%%% Id      : $Id$

%%% # Example module config (all options may be ommited to disable extra functionality)
%%%  [{debug, true}, {audit_collector, "test1@emackowiak-mbp.local/Psi+"} ]
%%%    - If debug=true, info messages will be logged to ejabberd.log
%%%    - If audit_collector is specified, a message will be send to the collector whenever a packet is dropped
%%% # Example ACL/Access Rule Configuration: (mod_wall uses the acl/access rule style of mod_filter)
%%% -Block all disco IQ packets
%%% {access, '', [{deny, all}]}
%%%           ^ xmlns (atom) is used as rule name ^ 
%%% -Block some disco IQ packets
%%% {access, '', [{deny, all},
%%%   {allow, some-acl},
%%%   {allow, another-acl},  ]}
%%% -Block some disco IQ packets, depending on their intended recipient
%%% {access, '', [{deny, all},
%%%   {allow, some-acl},
%%%   {restrict-receivers, all},  ]}
%%%	^^ if a rule is found instead of allow/deny,
%%%	filtering is performed against the packet receiver
%%% {access, restrict-receivers, [{deny, denied-receiver-acl}, {allow,all}]}
%%%	^^ guard (important)


-export([start/2, stop/1, on_filter_packet/1, logger/3, apply_rule/1]).

start(_Host, _Opts) ->
	ejabberd_hooks:add(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 50),
stop(_Host) ->
	ejabberd_hooks:delete(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 50),
on_filter_packet(drop) ->
on_filter_packet({From, To, Packet} = Input) ->
	%%?INFO_MSG("Running filter.  Debug: ~p ", [gen_mod:get_module_opt(global, ?MODULE, debug, false)]),
	%returns true if packet type is a set or a get, else false
	ApplyRule = apply_rule( Packet ),
	case ApplyRule of
		false -> Input;
		_  -> 
			Prefix = get_prefix( Packet ),
				Prefix == "" -> FilteredNs = get_iq_namespace( Packet );
				true		 -> FilteredNs = get_iq_namespace( Packet, Prefix )
			info("Namespace: ~p ", [FilteredNs]),
			% if the packet isnt an IQ, let it through
			case FilteredNs of
				"" ->
					info("Blank Ns pass through ", []),
				_ ->
					FromAccess = match_rule_default_allow(global, list_to_atom(FilteredNs), From),
					case FromAccess of
					deny -> 	
						info("From Filter: Dropping packet: ~p ", [Input]),
						% log the error
						logger( From, To, Packet ),
						%ErrorText = "",
						XmlBody = make_error(Packet, To, From),
						%%	 Trickiness right here:  switched To and From to send back to sender
						ejabberd_router:route(To, From, XmlBody),
					allow -> 
						info("From Filter: Pass through: ~p ", [Input]),
					ToAccessRule ->
						ToAccess = acl:match_rule(global, ToAccessRule, To),
						case ToAccess of
						allow ->
							info("To Filter: Pass through: ~p ", [Input]),
						deny ->
							info("To Filter: Dropping packet: ~p ", [Input]),
							% log the error
							logger( From, To, Packet ),
							XmlBody = make_error(Packet, To, From),
							%%	 Trickiness right here:  switched To and From to send back to sender
							ejabberd_router:route(To, From, XmlBody),
%% Function: logger/3
%% Purpose: Handle logging of denied packets.
%% Args:    From, To, Packet

logger( From, To, Packet ) ->

	Collector = gen_mod:get_module_opt(global, ?MODULE, audit_collector, none),
	case Collector of
	none ->
	_    ->
		%route the error to the collector
		CollectorJID = jlib:string_to_jid(Collector),
		XmlBody =  {xmlelement, "message",
		   [ {"type", "audit-error"},
			 {"from", "audit-service"},
			 {"to", Collector} 						
		ejabberd_router:route(From, CollectorJID, XmlBody)

%% The following functions are used to handle xml, log messages, etc

%% Function: make_error/2
%% Purpose: Generate an error (403) IQ.
%% Args:    Packet = xmlelement; the packet to be dropped, required to get ID for response
%% 			To, From = jid; 
%% Returns: An xmlelement ready for routing
make_error(Packet, To, From) ->
	Id = get_iq_id(Packet),
		XmlBody =  {xmlelement, "iq",
		   [ {"type", "error"},
			 {"from", jlib:jid_to_string(To)},
			 {"to", jlib:jid_to_string(From)},
			 {"id", Id }   						
		   [ { xmlelement, "error", [{"code", "403"}, {"type", "auth"}], 
				[ { xmlelement, "forbidden", 
					[ { "xmlns", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" } ], []

%% Function: get_prefix/1
%% Purpose: Get namespace prefixing of a packet, if present
%% Args:    Packet = xmlelement;
%% Returns: A string containing the namespace prefix, or a blank string if not present
%% example:    would return "ns0"
%% example:   would return ""
get_prefix( Packet ) ->
	Name = get_iq_payload_name( Packet ),
	%erlang:display( Name ),
	get_prefix( Name, "" ).
get_prefix( [], _ ) ->

get_prefix( [ Head | Tail ], Prefix ) ->
	case [Head] of
	":" -> % XML is prefixed...
	_   -> % no prefix found
		get_prefix( Tail, Prefix ++ [Head] )
%% Function: get_iq_Id/1
%% Purpose:  Returns the ID of an IQ packet
%% Args:     xmlelement; 
%% Returns:  A string containing the ID if the argument is an IQ, else an empty string
get_iq_id({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, _Els}) when Name == "iq" ->
	xml:get_attr_s("id", Attrs);
get_iq_id(_) ->
%% Function: apply_rule/1
%% Purpose:  Decide if ACLs and Access Rules should apply to a packet
%% Args:     xmlelement; 
%% Returns:  Returns the true if the IQ is of type set or get, else false
apply_rule({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, _Els}) when Name == "iq" ->
	Type = xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs),
	case Type of
		"set" 	 -> true;
		"get" 	 -> true;
		"error"  -> false;
		"cancel" -> false;
		_		 -> false
apply_rule(_) ->
%% Function: get_iq_namespace/1
%% Purpose:  Gets the namespace of a non-prefixed IQ payload
%% Args:     xmlelement; an IQ
%% Returns:  A string containing the xmlns if present and the packet is an IQ, else an empty string

get_iq_namespace({xmlelement, Name, _Attrs, Els}) when Name == "iq" ->
    case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of
	[{xmlelement, _Name2, Attrs2, _Els2}] ->
	    xml:get_attr_s("xmlns", Attrs2);
	_ ->
get_iq_namespace(_) ->

%% Function: get_iq_namespace/2
%% Purpose:  Gets the namespace of a prefixed IQ payload
%% Args:     xmlelement; an IQ
%%			 string; the namespace prefix
%% Returns:  A string containing the non-prefixed xmlns if present and the packet is an IQ, else an empty string
get_iq_namespace({xmlelement, Name, _Attrs, Els}, Prefix) when Name == "iq" ->
    case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of
	[{xmlelement, _Name2, Attrs2, _Els2}] ->
	    xml:get_attr_s("xmlns"++":"++ Prefix, Attrs2);
	_ ->
get_iq_namespace(_, _Prefix) ->

%% Function: get_iq_payload_name/1
%% Purpose:  Get the tag name of an IQ payload
%% Args:     xmlelement; an IQ
%% Returns:  A string containing the tag name of the payload of the IQ if it exists, else an empty string
get_iq_payload_name({xmlelement, Name, _Attrs, Els}) when Name == "iq" ->
    case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of
	[{xmlelement, Name2, _Attrs2, _Els2}] ->
	_ ->

get_iq_payload_name(_) ->

%% Function: match_rule_default_allow/3
%% Purpose:  Look for a matching access rule, but default to 'allow', rather than 'deny'
%% Args:     global;
%%			 Rule; an atomized IQ namespace
%%			 JID; 
%% Returns:  allow | deny
match_rule_default_allow(global, Rule, JID) ->
	case ejabberd_config:get_global_option({access, Rule, global}) of
	% let undefined namespaces through...
	undefined ->
	_ ->
		acl:match_rule(global, Rule, JID)
%% Function: info/2
%% Purpose:  Log info messages (if the module 'debug' option is set to true
%% Args:     Str; The format string to be logged
%%			 Arg; A list of elements to be logged
%% Returns:  nothing
info(Str, Arg) ->

	Debug = gen_mod:get_module_opt(global, ?MODULE, debug, false),

	Debug == true  -> ?INFO_MSG( Str, Arg );
	Debug == false -> false
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