JLogger is a highly customizable jabber transport for logging messages passed over jabber server. It has different kind of filters and possibilities to save captured messages. It consider from two parts: JLogger (transport that logs messages) and JLogger-Web (front-end with web interface).
Both projects are available on github:
Install cpanminus
Install JLogger
cpanm -S JLogger
Configure EJabberd
Edit ejabberd.cfg and add this line to the 'modules' section:
{mod_service_log, [{loggers, ["jlogger.jabber.myserver.com"]}]},
Add this to 'listen' section to make ejabberd listen for JLogger connections:
{5526, ejabberd_service, [
{ip, {127, 0, 0, 1}},
{access, all},
[{password, "secret"}]}
]}, -
Install database schema
Pick right schema for your database and install it
https://github.com/und3f/jlogger/tree/master/schema -
Configure JLogger
Create configuration file "/etc/jlogger.yaml" from original
https://raw.github.com/und3f/jlogger/master/config.yaml.example and configure it according to server settings. -
Start JLogger
Debian users could setup init.d script
https://raw.github.com/und3f/jlogger/master/script/jlogger.init.d -O /etc/init.d/jlogger
chmod +x /etc/init.d/jlogger
/etc/init.d/jlogger start
update-rc.d jlogger defaults -
Install JLogger-Web
Get latest JLogger-Web
git clone git://github.com/und3f/jlogger-web.git
git submodule update --init -
Install ObjectDB2 (not yet on CPAN)
cpanm -S https://github.com/vti/object-db2/tarball/master
Install JLogger::Web dependecies
cpanm -S --installdeps .
Create config file and edit it
cp jlogger-web.yaml{.example,}
Start JLogger::Web