Error While Reading while MSN/ICQ Transport

I am stillstruggling with setting up MSN/ICQ etc transports.
I just set up a jabber server (ejabberd 1.0.0 on Debian Sarge) which works fine so far
except the MSN/ICQ Transport. When connecting with my client (GAIM) I
always get the error -error while reading- . I wonder if this a firewall
problem and would like to know which ports need to be opened? I followed
exactly the following how-to to install:

Here is an extract of the logfile:

=INFO REPORT==== 2006-02-23 02:00:12 ===
I(<0.209.0>:ejabberd_listener:90): (#Port<0.288>) Accepted connection
{{84,xxx,xxx,xxx},62747} -> {{83,xxx,xxx,xxx},5347}

=INFO REPORT==== 2006-02-23 02:00:12 ===
I(<0.282.0>:ejabberd_service:307): terminated: normal

any hints appreciated

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