I'm trying to setup a ldap based authentication and mysql backend for the roasters, offline, etc. LDAP stuff works perfectly.
For mysql I have followed every step in
but there is not any traffic against remote mysql (tcpdump verified).
I think mysql*.beam are in place (ejabberd ebin directory), but the fact is that I got the same error if I remove them:
On client logon after authentication:
=ERROR REPORT==== 5-May-2006::13:07:51 === E(<0.291.0>:ejabberd_hooks:172): {noproc, {gen_server, call, ['ejabberd_odbc_sup_jwchat.domain.com', which_children, infinity]}} running hook: {unset_presence_hook,["usuario","jwchat.domain.com","jwchat",[]]}
If the client tries to add a contact I got a similar error.
ejabberd.cfg odbc line:
{odbc_server, {mysql, "", "ejabberd", "ejabberd", "XXXXX"}}.
I would like to debug it on erlang shell... but I have no time.
Any idea? Thank you very much!