[SOLVED] master vs slave (clustering)

what is difference between Master and Slave in a cluster?

The concept of master and

The concept of master and slave does not mean anything in ejabberd. All nodes are equals.

Moreover, since ejabberd 15.03, there is a command called ejabberdctl join_cluster that handle all the steps described in the document you link (it is now obsolete).

You will find the details in ejabberd documentation: ejabberd clustering

thanks but I see in

thanks but I see in http://www.erlang.org/
where we have a process (the master) which supervises other processes (the slaves). In a real example the slave could, for example, be controlling different hardware units. The master's job is to ensure that all the slave processes are alive. If a slave crashes (maybe because of a software fault), the master is to recreate the failed slave.

I use ejabberd 14.07 and port 5296 not working.in in my config when master is down nothing happened and slaves woking.
how to see which one of nodes are master or slave?
I use mnesia:info(). this command shows which one of nodes are in one cluster.I use easy_cluster.erl module . does not need 15.03 to module easy_cluster.erl?

Well, if you mean in general,

Well, if you mean in general, the concept of master and slave exist, then, well yes. In ejabberd however, the clustering is multi-master and there is no slave.

hello and thank you for

hello and thank you for answer. do ejabber 15.06 to clusteing in 15.06 easy_cluster.erl file??
join_as_cluster not working. my ejabberd server work well, but join_as_cluster command not working. and I use this

erlc easy_cluster.erl
/opt/ejabberd-15.03/bin/ejabberdctl debug
talk)1> l('easy_cluster').
I use which one join (for slave) or join_as_master (for master)? you say we have multi master and no have slave.
you means i have to use join_as_master.for all nodes.
talk)>join_as_master('ejabberd@ MasterHostname').

easy_cluster:join('ejabberd@ slaveHostname').

thanks for helping

As discussed further, the new

As discussed further, the new command ejabberdctl join_cluster is now the way to go for setting up a cluster.

I install ejabberd 15.03 and

I install ejabberd 15.03 and join_cluster is not working? I get this error
Error: command "join_cluster" not known.

The full command is described

The full command is described here: ejabberd 15.03.

If you have issues with command not found it may be an install issue.

However, I recommend you to try with ejabberd 15.07, which is latest release. There is no reason to start today by installing an old version. I was saying the command is available since ejabberd 15.03, but it means it is available in all releases since then.

thanks to your kind help. I

thanks to your kind help. I have 1.000.000 users and I scared use that.are using ejabberd 15.07? it's ok? do you have no problem with that?. Thank you very much for your helping!

Well, it is your platform.

Well, it is your platform. You can use whatever version that fit your needs, no problem.



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