I'm trying to get ejabberd to allow in-channel registration from a single IP address using mod_register
and ip_access
. However, when I try to do an in-channel registration from that IP address using Adium on OS X, I get a 503 "service unavailable" status message, and the following is printed in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.log
=INFO REPORT==== 2015-09-24 13:13:19 === I(<0.443.0>:ejabberd_listener:281) : (#Port<0.1968>) Accepted connection {{MY IP},59327} -> {{ANOTHER IP},5222} =ERROR REPORT==== 2015-09-24 13:13:22 === E(<0.470.0>:ejabberd_hooks:335) : {function_clause, [{mod_register,'-get_ip_access/1-fun-0-', "7", [{file,"mod_register.erl"},{line,564}]}, {lists,flatmap,2, [{file,"lists.erl"},{line,1235}]}, {mod_register,try_register,5, [{file,"mod_register.erl"},{line,328}]}, {mod_register, try_register_or_set_password,9, [{file,"mod_register.erl"},{line,281}]}, {mod_register, unauthenticated_iq_register,4, [{file,"mod_register.erl"},{line,78}]}, {ejabberd_hooks,run_fold1,4, [{file,"ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,331}]}, {ejabberd_c2s, process_unauthenticated_stanza,2, [{file,"ejabberd_c2s.erl"},{line,2179}]}, {ejabberd_c2s,wait_for_feature_request,2, [{file,"ejabberd_c2s.erl"},{line,731}]}]} running hook: {c2s_unauthenticated_iq, ["SERVER IP", {iq,"purple5b6ad190",set,"jabber:iq:register",[], {xmlelement,"query", [{"xmlns","jabber:iq:register"}], [{xmlelement,"username",[], [{xmlcdata,<<"test-new">>}]}, {xmlelement,"password",[], [{xmlcdata,<<"test">>}]}]}}, {{MY IP},59327}]}
I've never worked with ejabberd or Erlang before, so this is all Greek to me. What's happening? Why can't I perform in-channel registration from that IP? What can I do to allow it?
Using ejabberd 15.07 and this
Using ejabberd 15.07 and this configuration, a client already logged in can register another account:
Thanks, but that's not quite
Thanks, but that's not quite what I'm looking for.
I don't want to allow logged-in users on non-whitelisted networks to be able to register. Say someone logs into an existing account from the public Wi-Fi at a mall or an airport, I don't want to allow everyone on that network to register.
(Based on my test, this does let anyone from a network with a logged-in client create an account, even from separate clients).
The provided example does not
The provided example does not allow anyone to register. From what I see, it is tight to loopback. Only user connected on local machine can register. So it is probably more secured that you wish. You need to adapt to your case.