How to view live packets/presence changes

Hi, i have succesfully setup ejabberd on my micro ec2 instance and have connected with my Adium client on my computer, however i want to start developing a few modules and was wondering what the best way of being able to view the incoming packets etc... or to be able to view presence changes in the command line terminal? I have tried opening a erlang shell, but nothing changes when i change my presence.

Any help would be great,


Ideas: A) Configure loglevel

A) Configure loglevel to debug, then start ejabberd in live mode. But that will report so many log lines that it's unusable.

B) In your desktop machine, install a desktop Jabber client like Psi, Gajim, Tkabber... They have something called "Jabber Console", or "XMPP shell"... that show incoming and outgoing XMPP stanzas.

C) In your desktop or server machine, install a TCP traffic sniffer like Ethereal or Wireshark, Tcpflow, and configure to spy the port 5222.

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