Real time data streaming in low bandwidth

I am configuring an ejabberd xmpp server for remote streaming of real-time graph data. The implementation is successful, but now a lot of performance issues are cropping up.

My requirement is to send around 3000 messages per minute into a mobile network through ejabberd-xmpp and receive it in a desktop application without any considerable delay.
I have altered traffic_shapers in the ejabberd.yml configuration file to very large values and have modified a lot of other traffic limitations and yet a large amount of buffering is happening on the desktop side when tested in low bandwidth.

So, if I am positive that my configuration is correct, what all extensions should be used?

In the time I have researched I have found that the following XEP's can be of help:

    Stream Compression(XEP-138)
    Jingle ICE-UDP Transport Method(XEP-176)
    Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH)(XEP-124)
    XMPP Over BOSH(XEP-206)
    Stream Management(XEP-198)

But all the research has only increased the number of doubts:
-> If I am to implement any of these XEP's, then what all changes to the configuration have to be made?
-> How will I have to alter my XML stanza accordingly? The XEP documentations are surprisingly inadequate for a rookie.
-> What is the difference between Stream Management and Stream Compression?
-> What is the difference between XMPP Over BOSH and Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP?
-> How to implement BOSH? I am using port number 5222 now, what all changes to my project will come if I use port 5280? Where all should I reflect these changes?
-> If I am to combine any two extensions, will it only increase the speed issue or will it be in my favour?

Please, if anybody can help?

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I'm experiencing issues with low bandwidth.

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