PAM authentication

With the change to 16.03 have there been any issues with PAM authentication? Our development servers are setup to use a PAM module developed in house. I have tested the module and can confirm that it is returning PAM_SUCCESS to ejabberd but every time a user tries to authenticate, the ejabberd server comes back with a failed auth error.

Yes, looking at the ejabberd

Yes, looking at the ejabberd git repository, there was one change in ejabberd_auth_pam.erl between 16.02 and 16.03:

$ git log --oneline 16.02..16.03 ejabberd_auth_pam.erl
46568fb Merge commit 'refs/pull/524/head' of into sasl-api-change
917d48f Use SASL PLAIN authzid as client identity if auth module permits it
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