Question regarding clustering


We have setup a ejabberd cluster with 2 nodes. The routing of messages from one node to another node works fine. However we see that there is a problem with ejabberdctl commands when one of the node goes down and comesback. The error is seen on the node which is still running.

Problem 'exit {aborted,
                         [{{'$2','$_'}}]}]]}}' occurred executing the command.
Stacktrace: [{mnesia,abort,1,[{file,"mnesia.erl"},{line,313}]},

After debugging further we found that this could be because of the the table ejabberd_commands being replicated across the nodes. Is there a problem for this issue? Does this table even needs to be replicated as this is more of static content which is being stored.?

Thanks in advance.
Srikanth V

I get the exact same error

I get the exact same error (line numbers and everything) but my nodes never went down.
The error shows on the node that was selected as master. On the other one the list_cluster command works fine.

Same issue on my side as

Same issue on my side as well.

Problem 'exit {aborted,
                         [{{'$2','$_'}}]}]]}}' occurred executing the command.
Stacktrace: [{mnesia,abort,1,[{file,"mnesia.erl"},{line,313}]},

Tracked here:

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