Hi there, I am using ejabberd 16.09 as my XMPP server for a mobile app i am building using Apache Cordova's mobile hybrid technology, and i am using stanza.io as the client.
I am currently integrating push notifications to be sent to a user when a chat message is sent to a user that is offline (unavailable).
To do this I have integrated the mod_offline_post (
This module obviously only works when a user is offline (unavailable). So the issue I am facing is a chat user not going offline when the mobile app is closed, unfortunately the technology i am using (Apache cordova) doesn't offer an event (i.e. 'App closed') to hook onto in order to disconnect the chat client gracefully (although it does for other events like when the app goes into the background, but these don't get triggered when the app is just closed, or phone is powered off etc).
As i haven't called a disconnect directly, I need the chat user to go offline (unavailable) via other means (i.e. pings/timeouts/etc); Would you be able to offer me an optimum configuration setup to accommodate for this scenario. I currently have stream_management enabled (default options). So i imagine this would be a combination of stream_management options and mod_ping options? Please let me know your thoughts, thanks in advance!
I've thought about a similar
I've thought about a similar situation. I think stream_management acknowledgements are the only option here; you need some way to "confirm" receipt of a message.
Did you have any success since this post?