Has anyone had success with getting Lets Encrypt certificate installed on Ejabberd?
I've installed it a few times over by xmpp.net always reports certificate score = 0.
Anyone in the forum can put me in the right direction please.
Hi, I assume you have setup
I assume you have setup letsencrypt SSL on your server. If you are on linux, it should be at this path /etc/letsencrypt/live/your-domain-name/xxxxx inside this location look for the 2 keys privkey.pem and fullchain.pem
You will need to create the PEM cert using the 2 keys above. Do the following on your console terminal.
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/your-domain-name/privkey.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/your-domain-name/fullchain.pem >> /home/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.pem
Once done go to your config file "ejabberd.yml" and set the relevant SSL cert at the listening port. Make sure your relevant SSL cert points to /home/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.pem. Configure the cipher and others accordingly. You may refer to the sample link below provided by processOne.
Hope it helps!
This is relevant as well:
This is relevant as well: https://blog.process-one.net/lets-encrypt-ejabberd/
In install successfully, the
In install successfully, the same here :https://easypromocode.com/how-to-install-lets-encrypt-free-ssl-on-linux-...