Delegation namespace not working on 17.04

Hallo everybody:

the thing is that currently I am using a component with delegated namespace, however is not delegating the namespace as appear on the documentation.

my ejabberd.yml:

- port: 8888
    module: ejabberd_service
        password: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
      roster: "both"
      message: "outgoing"
      presence: "none"
    shaper_rule: fast
    service_check_from: false

    mod_delegation: {}

the thing is that this configuration was working correctly until the version 16.x and as soon as I updated stops working, maybe is configuration, is the configuration anyhow different that the one provided on ?

Looking at the module hit

Looking at the module hit history, it has received many commits in the last months:

Take a look at the commits descriptions, in case they point to something relevant.

If you are able to reproduce easily the problem, and you can recompile and try different ejabberd git versions, then you could try "git bisect" to determine which exact commit broke the module for you. Ask me details if you are interested in "git bisect" but you don't know how to use that.

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