ejabberd-17.04 ldap_search problem

I have problem with my ejabberd-17.04 server running on freebsd11-x64 host.

with ldap parameters:

   - ""
   - ""
ldap_port: 389
ldap_rootdn: "cn=ldapbind_jabber,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=local"
ldap_password: "password"
ldap_base: "dc=mydomain,dc=local"
      "sAMAccountName" : "%u"

and mod_vcard parameters:

    db_type: ldap
    search: true
    matches: infinity
    allow_return_all: true
      "NICKNAME": {"%u": []} # just use user's part of JID as his nickname
      "FIRST": {"%s": ["givenName"]}
      "LAST": {"%s": ["sn"]}
      "FN": {"%s, %s": ["sn", "givenName"]} # example: "Smith, John"
      "EMAIL": {"%s": ["mail"]}
      "BDAY": {"%s": ["birthDay"]}
      "ORGNAME": {"%s": ["company"]}
      "ORGUNIT": {"%s": ["department"]}
      "LOCALITY": {"%s": ["l"]}
      "STREET": {"%s": ["streetAddress"]}
      "REGION": {"%s": ["st"]}
      "PCODE": {"%s": ["postalCode"]}
      "TITLE": {"%s": ["title"]}
      "URL": {"%s": ["wWWHomePage"]}
      "DESC": {"%s": ["description"]}
      "Tel": {"%s": ["telephoneNumber"]}
      "User": "%u"
      "Name": "givenName"
      "Family Name": "sn"
      "Email": "mail"
      "Tel": "telephoneNumber"
      "Full Name": "FN"
      "Nickname": "NICKNAME"
      "Email": "EMAIL"

"ldap_vcard_map" is working as expected, but when i try searching vcards, result is empty.

I have captured traffic from ejabberd host with tcpdump with "port 389" filter, and i saw nothing, nothing happened when i pressed Search button. In case of vcard mapping everything is OK, i can see packets.

Same problem with ejabberd

Same problem with ejabberd 7.07_1.

I've tried different variations of config files, but unsuccessfully((

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