ejabberdctl module_upgrade return an error


I want to upgrade the mod_mam module to overcome this issue:

From the commit it seems this issues was fixed in version 17.03 and we user 17.01:

We don't want to upgrade the whole ejabberd version now so we're trying to update just the mod_mam module like that:

ejabberdctl module_upgrade ejabberd_mod_mam

But unfortunately we're getting an html page error saying:
"You have triggered an abuse detection mechanism, Please wait a few minutes before you try again."

It looks like the GitHub is sending this error, but why?

You can update it

You can update it manually:
1. Download ejabberd git, and update the source tree to your 17.01 version
2. Cherrypick that commit (or apply it manually) into your 17.01 code
3. Compile
4. Copy the modified beam file to your system ejabberd ebin/ dir
5. Then try this, I imagine it should look like this:

$ ejabberdctl update_list
$ ejabberdctl update mod_mam

6. Then restart mod_mam, using WebAdmin for example.

Thank you it worked!

Thank you it worked!

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