I've read a lot about this module, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work. I'm trying to set up XMPP in company. We're running Active Directory. What I've managed to do:
* create in AD group (let's say CMP will be abbr. for COMPANY) CMP-XMPP and added to this group people who are using XMPP
* configured ejabberd2 auth_method using ldap to get the list of people from this group to be able to auth via AD (after that the list of all users automatically appeared in "Users" in menu (each user is in format userPrincipalName (sAMAccountName@domain.local) [of course domain.local is the name of domain, this is just an example]
* now I'm trying to configure mod_shared_roster_ldap.
{mod_shared_roster_ldap,[ {ldap_base, "ou=CMP,dc=domain,dc=local"}, {ldap_groupattr, "cn"}, {ldap_useruid, "cn"}, {ldap_userdesc, "cn"}, {ldap_groupdesc, "description"}, {ldap_memberattr, "member"}, {ldap_rfilter, "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=CMP-XMPP))"}, {ldap_memberattr_format, "cn=*,OU=Users,OU=CMP,DC=domain,DC=local"}, {ldap_filter, "(objectClass=group)"}, {ldap_gfilter, "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=CMP-XMPP))"}, {ldap_ufilter, "(&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(cn=*))"} ]},
Something seems to work, because I'm still looking at debug loglevel and I can see that module is looking for the right group (CMP-XMPP) and is listing (in log) all users which are under 'member' field in group CMP-XMPP (check with ActiveDirectory browser program).
Format of members in log:
"CN=Name LastName,OU=Users,OU=CMP,DC=domain,DC=local"
The problem is that the users don't appear in XMPP Client (PSI).
I'm looking forward for some usefull tips.
Thanks in advance