ejabberd upgrade failed (1.1.1 to 1.1.2 on OS X)


I did a search for doc, but I found nothing about the upgrade procedure. I only found the install procedure that I did without problem when I installed my server (I used the GUI installer for Mac).

I tried to reinstall ejabberd and I taked a copy of my ejabberd.cfg and my database directory. I tried to start ejabberd via the system preferences panel of OS X. ejabberd seem to start (the panel indicate that the server sucessfully started), but the server doesn't respond (any jabber ports open). There is nothing in the log file.

I reinstalled the 1.1.1 version because I cannot shutdown the server for a long moment. I can skip this version, but one day or other I will need to update if a security hole is found in ejabberd...

Thanks for your help.

There is no upgrade

There is no upgrade procedures !?


The two versions on MacOSX are installed in different directories. The idea is to not overwrite the previous one but keep it as a reference. You are supposed to backup your database and to reload it in your new instance.

Before installation, make sure that you have stopped the previous ejabberd version.
After installation, make sure that your restart the panel to reload the new version of the ejabberd module.

I hope this helps,

Mickaël Rémond


as i know the config file stayed the same ( if you dont want to add new features). even the mnesia database gets updated by itself. but i never used the installer so. how did you updated it?

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