I cannot seem to get the a connection to the MySQL db
=ERROR REPORT==== 11-Oct-2006::20:56:52 === E(<0.220.0>:ejabberd_odbc:277): MySQL connection failed: connect_failed =CRASH REPORT==== 11-Oct-2006::20:57:22 === crasher: pid: <0.220.0> registered_name: [] error_info: mysql_connection_failed initial_call: {gen,init_it, [gen_server, <0.219.0>, <0.219.0>, ejabberd_odbc, ["domain.co.za"], []]} ancestors: ['ejabberd_odbc_sup_domain.co.za',ejabberd_sup,<0.42.0>] messages: [] links: [<0.219.0>] dictionary: [] trap_exit: false status: running heap_size: 233 stack_size: 21 reductions: 121 neighbours: =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 11-Oct-2006::20:57:22 === Supervisor: {local, 'ejabberd_odbc_sup_domain.co.za'} Context: start_error Reason: mysql_connection_failed Offender: [{pid,undefined}, {name,1}, {mfa,{ejabberd_odbc,start_link,["domain.co.za"]}}, {restart_type,transient}, {shutdown,brutal_kill}, {child_type,worker}]
i followed the tutorial on
Is there any way i can get more debuggin info on the error ?
Erlang: Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.1 [source] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
ejabberd: 1.1.2
MySQL: 4.1.16
Installation done from bsd ports (source compile)
If there's no way to get
If there's no way to get more information about the error, check the configuration on ejabberd, the ports are open, and even try to dump the TCP communication to see who fails.
This question is tracked in
This question is tracked in the FAQ:MySQL connection failed: connect_failed .