ejabberd Cluster Problem MySQL vs Mnesia

I am currently clustering some ejabberd cluster nodes, which authenticate to a MySQL database. I went through the instructions for setting it up and setup the cookie and hosts files, and they connected successfully. doing nodes(). verifies this.

Unfortunately connecting to different nodes doesn't seem to provide messaging and/or presence notification between the nodes. I do however get messages when reconnecting and the messages are received as offline missed messages.

This is my configuration and the places where i think the problems can exist.

NOTE: first node has all the same in the init start function except for the -mnesia extra_db_nodes, and -name ejabberd01

--- init.d/ejabberd start() function ---
echo -n $"Starting ejabberd: "
daemon --user=ejabberd --check=ejabberd \
"erl" "-pa /var/lib/ejabberd/ebin \
-name ejabberd02 \
-s ejabberd \
-ejabberd config \\\"/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg\\\" \
log_path \\\"/var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log\\\" \
-mnesia extra_db_nodes \\\"['ejabberd01@node01.com']"
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/ejabberd
return $RETVAL

NOTE: both have {auth_method, internal}. COMMENTED, thus it is disabled.
I was however able to get the cluster working when not using ODBC as an authentication method.

--- portions of ejabberd.cfg ---
%{auth_method, internal}.

{hosts, ["node01.com"]}.
{host_config, "node01.com", [{auth_method, odbc}, {odbc_server, {mysql, "db_ip", "db_table", "db_username", "db_password"}}]}.

Any insight in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I am very puzzled as to why it doesn't function as it should.

Jeffrey R.

Problem Solved!

Problem solved, just a comment error which wasn't posted.

Also there is a bug with ejabberd-1.1.2 when used with the xiff & http-bind patches, when trying to create a cluster. Seems presence requests don't seem to work.

Jeffrey R. | dS

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