mod_irc for users, irc commands

i can talk in channels or with irc users
but how can i send irc commands to server?
for example "whois aaa" or "ns identify" etc

For whois, you can request

For whois, you can request the vcard of a user. It will send the whois info as messages.

You can also start a message with "/quote". The rest of the line will be sent as-is to the IRC server.

but where should i type

but where should i type this, f.e. "/quote msg gm 111" and psi client?
i have 2 users (global!ircserver@jabberserver and ircserver!ircserver@jabberserver) and conference window

In either window

You can type it in either window. It will be passed unaltered to the IRC server anyway. And you need a slash before "msg".

syntax is /quote [RAW IRC

syntax is /quote [RAW IRC INPUT]

just enter /quote PRIVMSG gm :111 123

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