Can't authentificate new LDAP users

I've got ejabberd with LDAP (AD) auth configured. When I add new user to directory ejabberd fails to authentificate any of them. I look at ejabberd web-interface and see the number of users is the same as was until I add new users.
I've tried to restart ejabberd but had no effect. Even deleted Mnesia db but had no effect too.

Is there any sugesstion for me to help?

PS: ldapsearch tool shows new users

I've found what the problem

I've found what the problem was concerned with!
My new users was the members of the only one AD group ('Domain Users' in my case). If I add them to any other groups, they appear in ejabberd userlist. I don't know why is so, but maybe this is because "one-groups-user" haven't "memberOf" value in directory.

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