I am using the installer for Linux on CentOS 4.4 and it starts the server just fine, the web interface works and I have created a number of users on the latest version. However, when trying to connect someone is immediately disconnected with the following message in the logs. I'm hoping that I'm missing something simple here:
=ERROR REPORT==== 2007-02-26 12:23:14 === ** State machine <0.311.0> terminating ** Last event in was {xmlstreamelement, {xmlelement,"response", [{"xmlns", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"}], [{xmlcdata, <<"dXNlcm5hbWU9ImJkb2Jzb24iLHJlYWxtPSIiLG5vbmNlPSIyMzcyMjI5OTI2Iixjbm9uY2U9ImZjOTg2ZDJkOD$ ** When State == wait_for_sasl_response ** Data == {state,#Port<0.325>, <0.312.0>, gen_tcp, "3391923650", {sasl_state,"jabber", "jabber.xxxxxxx.com", [], #Fun, #Fun, cyrsasl_digest, {state, 3, "2372229926", undefined, undefined, #Fun}}, c2s, c2s_shaper, false, false, false, false, [], false, undefined, [], "jabber.xxxxxxx.com", [], undefined, {0,nil}, {0,nil}, {0,nil}, {0,nil}, undefined, undefined, undefined, false, none, []} ** Reason for termination = ** {badarg,[{ets,lookup,[crypto_server_table,port]}, {crypto,control,2}, {cyrsasl_digest,response,6}, {cyrsasl_digest,mech_step,2}, {cyrsasl,server_step,2}, {ejabberd_c2s,wait_for_sasl_response,2}, {gen_fsm,handle_msg,7}, {proc_lib,init_p,5}]}
Problem on the encryption
This is the interesting part of the error message:
There's a problem on the encryption part of ejabberd, maybe a missing OpenSSL library, or incompatible (outdated)...
If you find a solution, please post a comment here, because other people will find it useful.
Of course, if you disable SSL, SASL, TLS... on your Jabber client and try to login, it will work.
I'm going to have to try to
I'm going to have to try to compile it as the error message in the logs is the same if I try to login via SSL or not it immediately disconnects the connection.