/admin Not Found

I added a few modules from ejabberd-modules, and suddenly when I try to load the administrative page for ejabberd, I get a "Not Found" message. I went back and disabled the new modules, and I still get the same error. I don't see anything odd in the logs, and everything else appears to work normally. Any idea where I can start looking for the problem? Thanks!

FWIW, the modules I added

FWIW, the modules I added were ctlextra, presence, and log_chat.

Here's all that happens in the logs when I try to load the admin page:

=INFO REPORT==== 2007-03-04 16:42:34 ===
I(<0.656.0>:ejabberd_http:178): (#Port<0.670>) http query: 'GET' /admin/

Check configuration

ctlextra has nothing to do with the web, but mod_presence includes some changes on ejabberd_web, which may affect the webadmin if the patch was not applied correctly.

Or maybe you made a change on ejabberd.cfg and disabled webadmin without noticing.

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