Memory Allocation Crashes

I am running a clustered ejabberd 1.1.2 deployment (2 linux boxes) and had a crash today on both the nodes within about 10 minutes of each others. The erl stack traces both had the same issue:

Slogan: eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 298930300 bytes of memory (of type "heap").
System version: Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.12 [source] [hipe] [threads:0]
Compiled: Wed Feb 22 02:25:25 2006
Atoms: 8294
total: 2415729868
processes: 1722527133
processes_used: 1722409741
system: 693202735
atom: 390945
atom_used: 359668
binary: 5564330
code: 3391545
ets: 676003496

Any ideas on how to solve this? My traffic wasn't even that high and this could really impair my scalability.

Re: Memory Allocation Crashes

jabbernewb wrote:

Slogan: eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 298930300 bytes of memory (of type "heap").

Do you use 64-bit processors?

Are you using Erlang R10 or

Are you using Erlang R10 or R11 ?

Mickaël Rémond

I am having a similar issue

Tue Apr 3 18:51:50 2007
Slogan: eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 729810240 bytes of memory (of type "heap").
System version: Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.12 [source] [hipe] [threads:0
Compiled: Wed Feb 22 02:25:25 2006
Atoms: 8326
total: 2556713132
processes: 1878203241
processes_used: 1877713689
system: 678509891
atom: 392313
atom_used: 361141
binary: 5439461
code: 3391370
ets: 646817392
size: 6421
used: 4650
objs: 8326
depth: 6

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