I have implemented anonymous login on my ejabberd cluster setup and i have noticed that anonymous sessions are not the same as temporary sessions. Even though the login was done anonymously and anyone can login to these accounts with any password, all account information such as roster gets stored.
I was wondering if anyone has come across a way to clean up these remains after an anonymous user logs out.
Hello, Do you use normal
Do you use normal authentication on the same instance too ?
Mickaël Rémond
I have 2 'domains' each
I have 2 'domains' each domain handles its own authentication, but they each know about one another. It is clustered.
(Server 1 - Authenticating Domain 1)
{hosts, ["jabserv.org", "anon.jabserv.org"]}.
{host_config, "jabserv.org", [{auth_method, odbc}, {odbc_server, {mysql, "", "ejabberd", "ejabberd_user", "ejabberd_passwd"}}]}.
(Server 2 - Authenticating Domain 2)
{hosts, ["jabserv.org", "anon.jabserv.org"]}.
{host_config, "anon.jabserv.org", [{auth_method, anonymous},{anonymous_protocol, login_anon}]}.
Roster is still handled in mnesia for both domains. Only authentication for jabserv.org is actually using sql.
Jeffrey R. | dS
I see only one
It seems strange to me, because I can see only one. Did you mean "a subdomain" ?