I have recently installed 1.1.3 on a Windows XP SP2 system. Installation went very smoothly and I can get access to administer the server via the web interface, which pops opened every time I started the ejabberd server by clicking on the shortcut "Start ejabberd" created by the installer on my desktop.
The problem is: I cannot get access to the ejabberd console.
According to the
I assume this shortcut refers to the shortcut "Start ejabberd" created on my desktop by the installer. However, every time I click on it, ejabberd server does start up, but the command windows closes automtically and a browser window with the web interface is then opened up. I could not find the ejabberd console (command line) to perform administrative tasks.
I tried this also with 1.1.2 and the same thing happens.
Did I do something wrong, or I misinterpret the news release. Please help. I need to get access to the ejabberd window, in order to use ejabberdctl to import my jabber 1.4 files and directory.
I'll report this
I'll report this issue.
Anyway, you can use any powerful Jabber client to administer ejabberd, for example: Gajim, Psi 0.11 beta and Tkabber support Ad-hoc commands. Checkjabberd1-to-ejabberd .
ejabberdctl console
Thanks. But I would like to use jabberdctl commands for other purpouse such as backup, etc.
Is there another way to open up a jabberdctl command console, after the ejabberd server is up and running, without waiting for a fix to 1.1.3??
Thank you in advance.
Check Start menu
The Windows installer creates several icons on the Windows' Start menu, one of them is 'Debug console'.