Forwarding custom IQ to user not working

I must send a custom IQ from eva@pc377/Smack using my own namespace to a specific user bob@pc377/Smack. When I use OpenFire everything works fine, but Ejabberd does not forward this IQ to the user. In the log file I see, that the IQ is received by the server, internally dispatched to the Session Manager, but not forwarded to the user. If I send a Message, it is forwarded correctly. I am using a Java-based Smack-Client.

Does Ejabberd require a specific configuration for forwarding custom IQs?

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-09-11 13:55:36 ===
D(<0.658.0>:ejabberd_receiver:320) : Received XML on stream = "<iq id=\"0j8w6-8\" to=\"bob@pc377/Smack\" type=\"set\"><ts:register-request xmlns:ts=\"\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"><ts:node-id>550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000</ts:node-id><ts:properties><ts:path>.</ts:path><ts:delivery-mode>1</ts:delivery-mode></ts:properties></ts:register-request></iq>"

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-09-11 13:55:36 ===
D(<0.659.0>:ejabberd_router:313) : route
from {jid,"eva","pc377","Smack","eva","pc377","Smack"}
to {jid,"bob","pc377","Smack","bob","pc377","Smack"}
packet {xmlelement,"iq",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-09-11 13:55:36 ===
D(<0.659.0>:ejabberd_local:300) : local route
from {jid,"eva","pc377","Smack","eva","pc377","Smack"}
to {jid,"bob","pc377","Smack","bob","pc377","Smack"}
packet {xmlelement,"iq",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-09-11 13:55:36 ===
D(<0.659.0>:ejabberd_sm:411) : session manager
from {jid,"eva","pc377","Smack","eva","pc377","Smack"}
to {jid,"bob","pc377","Smack","bob","pc377","Smack"}
packet {xmlelement,"iq",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-09-11 13:55:36 ===
D(<0.659.0>:ejabberd_sm:510) : sending to process <0.656.0>

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