Ejabberd 2.1.13 postgresql and active directory


I have configured my ejabberd to work with my active directory. Now i would also like to add an external database into the mix being postgresql
if i configure ejabberd to use this database and i also set auth method ODBC everything is working as i want it too.

But i want to use LDAP as auth method and also have a postgres database holding the data.

If i configure it like this the ejabberd just keeps using the embedded database
instead of the postgresql

Does anyone have a clue why this is happening?

You should be able to

You should be able to configure
{auth_method, ldap}.
and then ODBC modules for mod_roster,etc

ye i was finally able to get

ye i was finally able to get that working although my postgres does not hold all the information now.
It stores for example offline messages but it does not store users, groups shared groups, rooms
Where could i find a collection of all the modules that can work with odbc also?

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