Compiling a module for dummies


I installed Ejabberd on Debian "Out-Of-The-Box" and it worked well from the beginning. I started to configure it to my needs, which was no problem a all. I got brave an started to build an own Sign-Up-System with PHP and Shell-Scripting, which worked flawless, too. Unfortunately I had to realize, that there is no way to prevent users from altering their Vcard-Information, so I googled and found a little tweak for mod_vcard, which would perfectly solve my problem.

And now I went into the dark. I guess I have understood, that I have to compile the modified mod_vcard.erl to somehow get an mod_vcard.beam. I tried everything I could find on the web - without success. I guess I simply have not enough background knowledge to come to an solution by myself.

Can someone help my out and explain to me what I have to do to compile a single module on an Debian-Installation of Ejabberd 2.1.13?

Thousand thanks in advance,

Maybe the Debian system

Maybe the Debian system provides some semi-automated way, but I'll tell you the manual long way:
1. Download the source code of the ejabberd version you are using. From or from github, or from source package.
2. Make sure you have erlang and related packages installed: apt-get install erlang
3. Compile ejabberd. This is to make sure ejabberd itself compiles. More or less: ./configure; make
4. Modify mod_vcard.erl
5. Compile again: make
6. Copy mod_vcard.beam to the place where Debian puts ejabberd binaries.

The first time it will take you some hours. The second time minutes, and you can customize anything you want.

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