mod_shared_roster_ldap in 14.07

Hello. Using TCPDUMP, I never see the ejabberd connecting to our AD server to pull down the users to create a roster. If mod_roster_ldap is configured wrong, will it still try? I have searched everywhere and found lots of examples from 2.x.y that claim to work but none work in 14.07. My LDAP authentication is working fine just no the rostering system. In looking at the PDF docs, I followed the example of a flat DIT. Can someone provide some feedback please?

#ldap_base: "ou=example1,dc=examplecorp,dc=com"
mod_shared_roster_ldap: [
ldap_rfilter: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)",
ldap_groupattr: "department",
ldap_memberattr: "cn",
ldap_filter: "objectClass=inetOrgPerson",
ldap_userdesc: "displayName"

From the logs:
2014-07-31 18:31:59.654 [debug] <0.302.0> Supervisor ejabberd_sup started mod_shared_roster_ldap:start_link(<<"">>, [[{ldap_rfilter,<<"(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)">>}],[{ldap_groupattr,<<"department">>}],[{ldap_memberattr,...}],...]) at pid <0.372.0>


Someone? I have the same

I have the same problem.
Worked fine on ejabberd-2.1.x.

Same here. -->

O, rly? I didn't think

O, rly?
I didn't think so.

Someone forced this module to work on 13.x-14.x?

Someone forced this module to

Someone forced this module to work on 13.x - 14.x?
Im using typical flat DIT that works on 2.x.
Seems a little bit strange.

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