I installed ejabberd from Ubuntu (warty) and got the following sasl.log when starting ejabberd:
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 3-Jun-2005::16:57:09 === application: mnesia started_at: ejabberd@phiseer =CRASH REPORT==== 3-Jun-2005::16:57:09 === crasher: pid: <0.64.0> registered_name: [] error_info: "invalid return value from ejabberd_app:start(normal,[]) -> {'EXIT',\n {undef,\n [{crypto,start,[]},\n {ejabberd_app,start,2},\n {application_master,start_it_old,4}]}}" initial_call: {application_master,init, [<0.5.0>, <0.63.0>, {appl_data, ejabberd, [ejabberd, ejabberd_sup, ejabberd_auth, ejabberd_router, ejabberd_sm, ejabberd_s2s, ejabberd_local, ejabberd_listeners, ejabberd_iq_sup, ejabberd_service_sup, ejabberd_s2s_out_sup, ejabberd_s2s_in_sup, ejabberd_c2s_sup, ejabberd_mod_roster, ejabberd_mod_echo, ejabberd_mod_pubsub, ejabberd_mod_irc, ejabberd_mod_muc, ejabberd_offline, random_generator], undefined, {ejabberd_app,[]}, [acl, configure, cyrsasl, cyrsasl_digest, cyrsasl_plain, ejabberd, ejabberd_app, ejabberd_auth, ejabberd_c2s, ejabberd_config, ejabberd_listener, ejabberd_logger_h, ejabberd_local, ejabberd_router, ejabberd_s2s, ejabberd_s2s_in, ejabberd_s2s_out, ejabberd_service, ejabberd_sm, ejabberd_sup, ejabberd_tmp_sup, gen_iq_handler, gen_mod, jd2ejd, jlib, mod_configure, mod_disco, mod_echo, mod_last, mod_offline, mod_private, mod_register, mod_roster, mod_stats, mod_time, mod_vcard, mod_version, randoms, sha, shaper, translate, xml, xml_stream], [], infinity, infinity}, normal]} ancestors: [<0.63.0>] messages: [{'EXIT',<0.65.0>,normal}] links: [<0.63.0>,<0.5.0>] dictionary: [] trap_exit: true status: running heap_size: 987 stack_size: 21 reductions: 73 neighbours:
erlang can't find 'crypto', and ejabberd requires it
The error message returned by Erlang says that when it tried to start ejabberd, it could not find the 'crypto' library. Ejabberd needs this library even if you don't plan to use SSL/STARTTLS/SASL. Erlang can be built without crypto support, for example is OpenSSL is not installed on the system.
So one possibility is that your Erlang was built without crypto enabled, maybe because OpenSSL was not installed during compilation.
If this is a problem in the Ubuntu package, could you please inform the Ubuntu packager or send a bug report to him, so he can fix it if required? If you think this is an error on the ejabberd documentation or the ejabberd Book, please tell me so we can try to fix it.
Ubuntu (Debian) apt-get vs REPOS?
Ubuntu packages are nominally the same as Debian.
The only reason I use the Ubuntu/Debian packages is for ease of installation and upgrade -- and I definitely want to use J-EAI as well as YAWS.
Should I be using REPOS instead?